Calendar overview Calendar
Friday, 07 November 2025
Fri, 07 Nov '25
Het Grote Ademnood Discobal
- Golden Circle€ 66,45
- Staanplaatsen€ 56,45
- Groepsticket Staanplaatsen€ 51,45
- Zitplaatsen Balkon€ 59,95
- Mindervalidenticket€ 56,45
Saturday, 08 November 2025
Sat, 08 Nov '25
Het Grote Ademnood Discobal
- Golden Circle€ 66,45
- Staanplaatsen€ 56,45
- Groepsticket Staanplaatsen€ 51,45
- Zitplaatsen Balkon€ 59,95
- Mindervalidenticket€ 56,45
Het Grote Ademnood Discobal
Katja and Babette shared their excitement: “Every week, we receive videos from people dancing, singing, or lip-syncing to Ademnood, asking us to perform again. That’s the perfect reason for us to throw a great dance party together,” they said.
They continued: “Het Grote Ademnood Discobal will be an evening full of nostalgia, positivity, humor, friendship, and surprises! Put your phone away and enjoy amazing ‘90s music. Of course, we’ll have guest artists, and we’ll be performing our hits as well—but how and with whom, we’re not revealing just yet. What we can tell you is that you should definitely bring your dancing shoes! It will be a night of recognition for people from our time and a fun-filled, energetic dance party for everyone! We can’t wait. Welcome to our Grote Ademnood Discobal!”
Katja and Babette, along with Guusje Nederhorst, became famous as Linda, Roos, and Jessica in the popular daily TV soap Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden on RTL4. As a vocal trio, they released Ademnood thirty years ago, which remained at number one for seven weeks and achieved platinum status. They later scored additional hits with Alles Of Niets, Lange Nacht, and Druppels. The trio performed all over the Netherlands before disbanding at their peak in 1998. Guusje Nederhorst sadly passed away in 2004 due to breast cancer. Katja Schuurman and Babette van Veen continued their acting and TV careers, with Katja making a short return to Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden on RTL4 starting tonight.
- Aanvang 20:00 uur
Timetable is not available yet
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There are no facilities available where confiscated bags can be stored.
Useful information
Bites & Drinks
Would you like to have a bite to eat before the concert? Complete your evening with dinner at Restaurant First in AFAS Live. Reserve a table now and enjoy delicious dishes tailored to the season.
Never give up on your cup
Cups and bottles are recycled. Therefore, always return your empty cup or bottle to the bar when you get a new drink. The collected cups and bottles can be reused to create new cups and bottles. This system helps prevent unnecessary waste of resources and saves CO2 emissions.
Cashless Payment
At AFAS Live, you can only pay with your debit card or credit card. This is available at all bars and food stands in our venue. The advantage? You don’t need to withdraw cash in advance. You can make cashless payments using Maestro, VISA, or Mastercard.
AFAS Live has an accessible entrance, and the ground floor is completely level. Each floor is equipped with an accessible restroom that has an emergency button. For more information about facilities and parking options for individuals with disabilities, please check our FAQ.