AFAS Live Agenda (NL)

365 Dagen Succesvol seminar

"Working with AFAS Live was a great experience. They’re a professional group of people and it really felt like “coming home”. We’ll definitely be back!" - Carlijn van Rossum, Events Manager

365 Dagen Succesvol seminar
Every month, 365 Dagen Succesvol holds a seminar for participants in its coaching programme. This particular seminar ended with a breathing session guided by a professional breathing coach. The Black Box at AFAS Live was transformed into a yoga studio with 1,100 yoga mats. It was an amazing and unique experience. Last summer, 365 Dagen Succesvol returned to the space for a ‘supercharged relationship weekend’.

Carlijn van Rossum on working with AFAS Live
The challenge for us was organising a breathing session with 1,100 yoga mats. We chose AFAS Live because of its huge capacity. It’s partly because of the many possibilities that AFAS Live has to offer that our event was such a success. Working with AFAS Live was a great experience. They’re a professional group of people and it really felt like ‘coming home’. We’ll definitely be back!

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